
Frieze London
9 – 13 October 2024

Ali Eyal & David Horvitz
A new garden from old wounds
11 SEP - 9 NOV 2024


Just a group school photo, but..

21 x 30 inches
Pastel on Japanese paper.

In elementary schools all over Iraq, drawing contests were held. Children were

challenged to draw Israeli crimes, American collaboration, or Gulf Arab silence. I got

to know about the world through the language of these political cartoons. The

American global hegemony wore a cowboy hat and held a gasoline hose. Our national

resources was a milk cow. The well worn faces of political leaders. During sanctions,

when we could not get satelite, these caricatures were my introduction to the world.

During the invasion, our village telecom center was hit by Coalition Forces. It was

two in the morning. Our house shook. I woke up and screamed, we were hit!. Soon

enough, our president was American and my parents were paid in dollars. All the

children were given bags with American flags.

My elementary school “babel’ was next to the bombed telecom center. The next time

we took our class photo, the wall behind us had developed a crack. That crack

swallowed all the political drawings, until nothing remained of them. They were

among the first casualties of the new era. It was the worst class photo: a mother tried

her best to get her son to smile and a student kept annoying me by twisting my ear.

How often did I wish I could crawl into pictorial space to escape, while the pain and

pictures crawled into me and remain to this very day

Look, I sincerely hope that you never have to experience the senseless and

international ordeals of wars, the catastrophe of those experiences. This sort of

knowlege is torture. Art can’t heal. It can only avoid the pain, but it creates it’s own

pain. Perhaps that is why I created alternative heads, for alternative pain on the

paint. Those pale memories invade you without permission, they come when you are

with your loved one, as you sit looking out of a speeding train window. I wish for all

of your lives to be peaceful and filled with what you love. The art sometimes it’s not



Photography: All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Sara’s, New York

Look what I remember, a new garden from old wounds and Just a group school photo, but.. Tonight’s Programmem is Painting Size 80x60cm.Paper, pen, map in a pocket and my mom surprised me to show me a 2000 calendar, but what did I show my mom? The Blue Ink Pocket? and An Indefinite appearance or two walls and 6x9 doesn’t fit everything and Don't let the beautiful colors fool you, who would draw Goofy inside the rooms of grownups? And Where do the walls of the museum go when they are forgotten? Where does a thought go when it's forgotten? Autumn Solo Show. Berlin's drawing's pad. No Part Of This Book May Be Reproduced, In Any Way, By Photocopying, Recording, Or Otherwise, Except With The Prior Written Consent Of The Publisher, and  

Solo Shows

From the creases of my eyelid, In the head's sunrise and In the head's dusk there’s retrieving an Obscured Present/Presence

Text-Reviews    Publication

Ali Eyal (b.1994) is an artist working with painting, drawing, and video to explore the relationships between personal history, transitory memories, politics, and identity. Eyal is currently featured in Sharjah Biennial 15: Thinking Historically in the Present (2023). Eyal's solo exhibitions include In the Head's Sunrise, Brief Histories, New York (2023); In the Head's Dusk, SAW Gallery, Ottawa (2023). Recent group exhibitions include, Is It Morning for You Yet?, the 58th Carnegie International, Pittsburgh (2023); Surviving the Long Wars: Reckon and Reimagine, Chicago Cultural Center (2023); Documenta 15, Kassel (2022); Theater of Operations: The Gulf Wars 1991-2011, MoMA PS1, New York (2020); How to Reappear: Through the quivering leaves of independent publishing, Beirut Art Center, Lebanon (2019). Eyal’s video work is included in the 22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil: Memory is an Edition Station, São Paulo (forthcoming October 2023); Rencontres Internationales, Paris; VITRINE x Kino Screenings, London; Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah Art Foundation; and Cairo Video Festival, Medrar, Cairo. His works are in the collection of Kadist, Paris; Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah. Eyal earned an undergraduate degree from the Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad (2015), he currently lives and works in Los Angeles.


Born in 1994 in Baghdad, Iraq. Lives and works in Los Angeles, USA


  • 2016 - 2017  | HWP/Home Workspace, Independent Study Program, Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • 2011 - 2015   | Diploma, Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad.

Solo Exhibitions 

  • Retrieving an Obscured Present/Presence, Bellyman, LA, US.
  • From the Creases of my Eyelid, The Quebec City BiennIal, Quebec, CA
Selected Group Exhibitions

  • Undoing Images I, Akademie der künste, Colonge, DE
  • A new garden from old wounds, ChertLüdde, Berlin, DE.
  • Display, Ehrlich Steinberg, LA, US.
  • Babel, Sara’s Dukunsthalle, NYC.
  • Hope Dies Last, Clint Roenisch Gallery, Toronto, CA. 
  • The David Hammons, Frieze show, curated by Suzy Halajian, LA, US. 
  • Crystal Clear, Bayt AlMamzar, Dubai, UAE.

  • 4.5 Billion Years, Brief Histories, NYC, US.
  • Surviving the Long Wars, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, US.
  • Archival Assebly #2 at the Betonhalle, silent green, Berlin، curated by Ala Youins and Maha Maamoun. How to know what's really happening. Berlin, DE.
  • 22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil | "Memory is an Editing Station"
  • 15th Sharjah Biennale, curated by Hoor Al Qasimi, U.A.E.
  •  The 58th Carnegie International, Pittsburgh, US.
  • Documenta 15 - Sada [regroup], Kassel, DE. ​
  • Crossings: Itineraries of Encounter, Blackwood Gallery. Toronto, CA.
  • How to maneuver: Shape-shifting texts and other publishing tactics, isdaT — Institute of arts and design of Toulouse. Curated by Ala Youins and Maha Maamoun | Toulouse, FR
  • This Is Not Lebanon, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm. Curated by Matthias Lilienthal, Rabih Mroué, Christine Thomé (Ashkal Alwan), Anna Wagner (Künstlerhaus Mousonturm), Jaan Bossier, Uwe Dierksen, Christian Hommel (Ensemble Modern). Kuratorische Mitarbeit: Friederike Kötter | Frankfurt, DE.
  • Hamds, The Akademie der Künste. Curated by MADHUSREE DUTTA, ALA YOUNIS  | Cologne, DE .      

  • Online screening. Aashra, Ashkal Alwan. Curated by Ashkal Alwan | Beirut, LB
  • Online exhibition. Triennale Tres Pesos, Mexico, MX City.
  • Online exhibtion. Viral Self-Portraits, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova | +MSUM, Slovenia, LJU
  • How to reappear: Through the quivering leaves of independent publishing, MMAG Foundation, Amman, JO
  • How to maneuver: Shape-shifting texts and other publishing tactics, Warehouse 421, Abut Dhabi, UE, curated by Kayfa ta, Ala Youins and Maha Maamoun.
  • Screening, Kino, Bermondsey as part of VITRINE x Kino Screenings. London, UK ​
  • Screening, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin video library at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Berlin, DU
  • ​Screening, theme Less, time less, discipline less, form less. The James Black Gallery, Mexico, MX City.
  • Collective exhibition, Beirut Art Center. touché! (gestures, movement, action), Beirut, LB
  • Screening, Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin video library
  • Screening, I am BP, King of Exploitation, King of Injustice, P21 Gallery, London, UK
  • Screening, Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, UE

  • Screening, Immaterial Collection Forum IV: States of Being, Beirut Art Center, Beirut, LB
  • ​Audio piece, Collective Task, Baghdad, Baghdad, IQ
  • Open Studio, HWP 2016-17, Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, LB

  • TARKIB Installation Exhibition, Baghdad, IQ
  • Group Show, 1010Hall The ARt House, Nicosia, CY
  • Build Peace conference, Nicosia, CY
  • 6th FIVAC, International Video Art Festival, Camaguey, CU.

  • Screening, Cairo Video Festival, Medrar, Cairo, EG
  • Al-Mutanabbi Street exhibition, Baghdad, IQ
  • ​Hampshire College, Amherst, MA. US.                        
  • Screening, Iraqi Independent Film Center, Baghdad, IQ

  • Nakhla Gallery, Baghdad, IQ



  • Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, FR 

Ali Eyal 2024 ​© All Rights Reserved​